Get the maximum benefit from your gas detector with no downtime and no hassle!
Available in either 24 monthot 36 month models, disposable gas detectors are quick and easy to use.
Once you press the button, they are ready to go and run continuously with no need to replace the battery or sensor.
The BW Clip series of disposable gas detectors can be specified for H2S, CO, O2 or SO2 single gases in 2 or 3 year configurations.
• Single gas detection
• H2S, CO, O2, SO2 – 2 year model
• H2S, CO – 3 year model
• Durable, reliable and easy to use with no downtime
We always advise that you speak with one of our specialist safety staff when ordering gas detection products to ensure you order the correct model and specification for your application.
Contact us on 01482 322191 for further information.